Joanna Shirin Design Studios: A Year in Review


Joanna Shirin Design Studios has had a wonderful year filled with interesting, exiting projects and we wanted to take a moment to reflect and thank everybody who helped contribute to making this year our most successful yet! It’s the holidays: a time for reflecting…


Joanna Shirin Design Studios: A Year in Review

From Greenwich to New York City, New Jersey, Aspen, across Europe, and beyond, we are blessed to have repeat clients all over the world who provide the base for the design studio’s success. We also have to thank ASID, New Jersey and Editor At Large for recognizing Joanna and the Design Studio as an expert, motivating force in the design this year.


This was a big year for us, but also for the design trade in general: We spent a good portion of this year at celebrations and educational masterminds in and around New York City–both at the Design & Decorators Building in New York City, which celebrated 50 years this December and at Design Campus Live events in multiple cities across the US. We are delighted to be a part of such an incredibly supportive community of talented designers and artists, and look forward to another exciting year ahead!


To all: We Wish You a Wonderful Holiday Season and a Very Happy New Year!

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